These are the two countersink screws of the type used on pre-war up to 1947 OHV and Sidevalve Norton single engines, which screwed into the inner timing cover behind the magneto chain.
Unlike the 1948 onwards OHV/SV engines (which used shallow head bolts in this area), these screws were countersunk to avoid fouling the magneto chain.
It was normal practice to tighten them as much as you could with a screwdriver, and then use a centre punch to punch the soft aluminium of the inner timing cover just next to the slot of the screw - then a little bit of alloy would mush out into the screwdriver slot to stop it coming loose. I will leave it to you to decide if you wish to do this - or use a modern threadlock. However it is good practice to use one of the two methods to stop the screw coming loose.
These screws share the same dimensions and thread as the original Norton screws. These screws are nickel plated steel and good quality UK supplied, rather than the bar turned stainless steel cheeseheads we manufacturer ourselves for the rest of this model timing cover . . . as these are in a non visible place, and our own stainless steel version would be far more expensive, for no good reason!.
Price is per pair.
Note, we also sell a pair of these screws as part of the entire 38-47 Timing Cover Cheesehead Set (Item 1000), in case you wanted to replace the full set.
These screws are shown fitted to a 1938-47 style engine - but the same part number countersunk screw was also fitted to the pre-38 style OHV/SV type engine style. I am not sure what date these screws were introduced, but would estimate it was circa early 1930's - email if you need to confirm dimensions if you have an early 30's OHV/SV engine and want to make sure at