This listing is for a CNC manufactured clevis, square headed clevis bolt, washer and locknut to fit an Douglas 2 3/4hp model of early type. All are manufactured in stainless steel from an original Douglas pattern
I copied this bolt and brake rod/clevis assembly from an original assembly from a very rusty but original early Douglas front brake assembly - which I am almost certain was of the type of assembly fitted to the 1910-1912 models - to the front downtube. I have seen a very similar assembly and brake pedal fitted to period photos of this model - where it was not uncommon to have a two sets of footrests, the normal set just in front of the two speed countershaft, and another forward positioned assembly mounted at the base of the front down tube.
The clevis is of the same profile as the original and comes threaded with 1/4" diameter BSF/BSC thread profile, ready to accept a 1/4" brake rod. This is the same clevis and bolt as fitted to our complete brake rod assembly (Item no 0691) - in case you wish to make your own brake rod, and fit this clevis to the end (as there were many lengths and different bend types of brake rods fitted to these models over the year.
Each clevis and bolt are linished and pollished and look very nice.
If you require brake rod stainless steel, email us on our sales email and we can quote for this seperately