These are the distinctive Norton Clevis Pins, as fitted to all Norton girder forks - employing either 'normal' conical checksprings (fitted to most pre-war road models), as well as the racing parallel type checksprings (also listed in this section) - which we also manufacture.
The distinctive head pattern and style are identical to the original Norton items - employing a greasing hole through the centre, the only difference being that ours are CNC made from Stainless Steel, so they will not corrode. These look nice, and hopefully are a bit tougher than the original nickel plated versions - which when found on original forks are invariably worn out!
This item is for a set of 4 clevis pins and 4 stainless steel split pins (i.e. enough to do one set of forks).
These are not a cheap item - but if you consider that as well as CNC machining in stainless steel - they also require additional milling for the central greasing hole that comes out of the side, and distinctive head shape - you will understand why they are far more expensive than standard clevis pins.
Update Nov 2023: New Batch in stock - and price not increased (despite cost increase of stainless steel)