SOHC Big End Oil Feed Quill Plunger (and pre 38 OHV/SV type)

Product no.: 0080 A11/12

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This is the bronze quill/plunger used to feed oil to the Big End Bearing, as fitted to all SOHC engines, as well as those OHV/SV engines manufactured up to the end of 1937.  The same quill was also used on the WD model 16H engine (which continued to be manufactured through WWII for the armed forces) as well as pre-38 OHV/SV engines where the quill holder protruded through the timing cover.

The accompanying photos show a complete Big End quill assembly - including the quill listed here.  Price is for quill only, all other items sold seperately.

We CNC manufacture these quills to the original Norton pattern from the best quality Colisbro Nickel Silicon bronze (it has a more coppery look than regular phospher bronze, and Norton originally used a similar hard wearing material).

This style of bigend quill was fitted to all SOHC engines - both pre-war and postwar.  However it was also fitted to all OHV and Side Valve models up to the end of 1937.  After that point, the OHV/SV engines received a facelift and at that point were fitted with a shorter type BigEnd Quill (which we also offer - Item 0965).

This type of quill also continued to be fitted to WD 16H engines manufactured after 1938, to the end of WWII (but this WD engine is not to be confused with the commercial model 16H of 1938-47, which used the later timing case design).  Email us at if you intend fitting this to a side valve model and are not sure which should be fitted.

Note : These plungers are NOT interchangeable with the SOHC Cambox Feed Quill/Plunger, as that plunger has a smaller feedhole! and fitting one into the BigEnd will damage the engine - (our Item number 0066 or 0067, see cambox section).  If you have a cambox with that quill type fitted, make sure you always keep them seperated.  If you have a box of old quills and are not sure if you may have fitted a quill of the wrong type, email us on email for information on hole size correct for Bigends.

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